Gravitaz TechnoLabs, an automotive software System Integrator with a team of experienced and certified engineers specializes in the design and development of embedded software.
We offer comprehensive automotive services that encompass the entire product engineering lifecycle. Our range of services includes conceptualization, development, prototyping, launch, manufacturing, and distribution. With our extensive expertise, we cover various aspects such as product ideation, hardware and firmware development, middleware integration, application development, and thorough testing and validation processes, delivering crucial solutions through our dedicated teams. Our highly skilled engineers specialize in diverse software integration technology segments, including powertrains, body systems, interiors, infotainment, telematics, electronics, ADAS systems (including vision-based, RADAR-based, and LIDAR-based solutions), and mobility solutions.
We offer a wide range of services:
Software Architecture and Design
We work with you to define the software architecture and design for your automotive application.
Software Development
We develop the embedded software for your automotive application using industry-standard tools and processes.
Testing and Verification
We test and verify your automotive application to ensure that it meets your requirements.
Deployment and Support
We deploy your automotive application to your target platform and provide ongoing support.
We have a strong track record of success in the automotive industry, and we are committed to providing our clients with the highest quality services. Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to understanding our clients' needs and developing solutions that meet those needs. We are also committed to continuous improvement, and we are constantly investing in new technologies and methodologies.
If you are looking for a reliable and experienced partner to help you with your IT and digital needs, Gravitaz TechnoLabs is the perfect choice. We offer a wide range of services, a strong track record of success, and a team of experienced professionals. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you achieve your goals.
Gravitaz TechnoLabs excels in Software Integration and Solution Engineering.
Legacy & Model base development
Features Development & Upgradation
Supplier S/W
Component b/w
V&V Services
Protocol Automation Solutions
Development & Code Production Solutions
ISO Compliance Automation Solutions
Legacy/MBD/AUTOSAR Testing
Consultancy Services
PMSM FOC based Speed control solution
BMS solutions
Control Algorithms & Systems
Production Software Development using Matlab/ET
Application Solutions
Process Automation Solutions
Quality Tools Development
Compilation Solutions
Cross. Platform Solutions
Report Creation Solutions
Docs Comparison Solutions
Body & Chassis/Power Trail
Design, Devevlpment & Diagram
Maintenance & Support
Expertise in Reverse Engineering
Here are some additional points that are relevant to the offering:
We offer a global delivery model, so we can provide our services to clients around the world.
We are certified by a number of industry organizations, including SAP, Oracle, and Microsoft.
We have a strong commitment to research and development, and we are constantly investing in new technologies.
We are a member of the Automotive Industry Action Group (AIAG), and we are committed to helping our clients comply with AIAG standards.